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Personalized Service

Do you want something personalized?

You are able to request for more services or change the current ones in order to adapt them for your project demands. This Gamdato option has an extra cost depending on the type and requirements of the request.

What kind of personalization could be?

There are a lot of things you can ask for, here are some examples:

- Format options when sending information
- Return other kind of information on the request responses
- Make changes on the way of how the data is submitted
- Player signin: user/password
- Player connections: Online chat, friends system, share information with other players, etc..
- Possibilty of upload/load other kind of information(example: images)
- Change options on the web portal: Display some extra information you want, stats, change web structure, etc..

If you are interested on the personalization option that gamdato offers, write an email with the type of personalization you want and all requirements to the following contact:


Note that not all the things can be done, we are going to determine if your request is possible and make the cotization.

*Important: Use the same email you registered on this web.

gamdato (2021)       -       gamdatoservices@gamdato.com       -       Terms & Conditions